Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My brother's wedding

End of last month, on the 25th of June 2009 my second brother Hamzil got married to his long time fiancee Nissa. Reception on the bride's side was held in Seremban on the 27th and on our side was in Dewan Merak Kayangan Felda on the 5th of July. Everything went on smoothly and was settled accordingly. I'm very happy for my brother to finally able to join my club and to understand how its like to be a responsible husband to his wife. My brother and I had our fair share of row and misunderstandings due to our differences in opinion (most of the time) and character. He's more fussy than I am and more determined and hardheaded I would say. But even so, he has a soft heart and compassionate. What came to my mind about his nikah event which was held in Masjid Wilayah Jalan Duta, was how sad and taken I was when he finally made his vow with one go (lafaz) without hesitation. I cried like mad and everyone was puzzled to see me in such a state. I'm not sure why I cried so badly, Its just that I've always viewed my brother as a big overgrown baby who still comes home snuggling at my mom. And suddenly, he's someone else's husband. I couldn't imagine him being responsible for another when he himself is being taken care of from every aspect, from his laundry to his food and everything. I guess I misjudged him. Now I can see that he is a full grown man, ready to become a husband ( he is btw almost 30). And to see him get married like that triggers all the memories of our childhood, the laughters, the fights and arguments we had. How time flies on a jetplane...I always say. He has moved out since he got married. And comes over on weekends. But still calls my mom everyday from office :) I guess he feels it too. Being separated from home for the first time, for good. Oh well, Hamzil, Akak prays for ur wellbeing and that of your wife. Now that your journey in marriage has started, be sure to take the rite path, which is the path of Allah. May both of you live in harmony and in happiness blessed by Him, The One and Only. Amiin...

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