Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm not Perfect!

I am not perfect! Making mistakes is part of being human. I thought about all the ones I made in the past. Well, I figured that I wouldn't be here today if I didn't go through all the experiences I had in the past. So, I learn. Learn from my mistakes. I'm still learning. I thought it wouldn't be any good to regret the things that we had done. To those who knew me long ago, would dare say I have changed a lot. Well, I believe in change. I hate being stagnant. My past mistakes? Too many to mention. Lets just say I've been there done that. Well, almost...As a teenager, I was a stubborn and rebellious girl, at some point, wild! Sneaking out late nights without my parents permission, changing boyfriends every year....hmm...the &%$#ed up years, the gigs, the parties, clubs...well, those are just a few to mention. Bottom line, not all of them were bad experiences and mistakes. Some are nice memories to remember and friends to keep forever :) Now that I have become a mom, my life has changed. My point of view has changed. My priority has changed. I worry:) I know to worry is part of being a mom. I worry for my son. On account of my past, I'm not really a role model he can follow :) But at least, I can be there for him when he is in a bad situation. I can teach him the right from the wrong. And the rest is his call. Like what my parents taught me. You know whats right and whats wrong. You choose. Well, I really respect and adore my mom. I know she had a really rough time with me when I was younger. I love you ma. Thanks for not giving up on me. One thing I've learned for sure is, I will never give up. I believe in 2nd chances. Hell, I believe in all the chances you can get before you rest in peace. Its really up to you. My late grandfather used to say,"You can correct everything you do while you are still alive, you can solve any problems in this world if you are still breathing, because when you die, thats it. No more chances!" I'll stick to that. I will do my best to become a better person. I know I'm bound to make mistakes again.But I'll learn. I pray that Allah will guide me and my family to the right path. Amin.

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