Friday, February 8, 2008

I want it all!

I remember a rap song by Warren G i think, that said I want it all, big house, big cars, diamond rings? ( i don't really remember all the lyrics though hehe ) but something about wanting it all....And i thought who wouldn't want it all? I'd be lying if I ever said i didn't want a nice house, cool car and that nice Gucci bag i saw the other day :) Coming from a middle class family, I would say that i'm grateful that I had my fair share of luxury while growing up. I remember abah used to take us on holidays in nice hotels, the good food in fancy restaurants, the overseas trip, the nice clothes and etc etc...depends on how you define luxury lah...but at the time, i thought i was the happiest little girl alive! And now that i'm married to a humble hardworking loving man, my hubby, I still get my fair deal of luxury, trips to spa, holidays and all that. Well, my point here is in the end,what does really matter? Personally, I think everybody is searching for happiness, and it varies from one person to the other. To me, happiness is not just material needs. I think everybody knows that. But a lot of people today are superficial. They define themselves with having an expensive car or a pocket full of cash. Well, ofcourse expensive things are nice to have :) But it doesn't define you as a person. What defines me is my personality, my Iman and how I evolve and become a better person. Its a struggle nowadays I would say to stay put to your principals and stay true to yourself. We are only human after all. Well, u decide. Because in the end, its your opinion of yourself that matters most.

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