Monday, April 21, 2008

Counting days...

Hi all, I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I have been busy as usual with my little one but also didn't really have the mood to blog. Today however, I felt free enough to jot down a few thoughts on my tired mind. Tired mind I say because I am currently feeling that the days are moving too slow. Normally it doesn't feel this way. Anyways, hubby and I have decided to join the gym recently as a time out for both of us from the daily hassle of life. It sure feels good to get myself exercising again after quite some time. We also decided that we needed to spend our time alone without Adam around, not that he's a nuisance or anything, because each and every time we do go out on a date or anything, all we talk about is our Adam! I guess thats part of being parents. That's why hubby really doesn't like it when we have to leave our little precious at mum's. But then, we DO need to spend time alone. And it has been working! For a month now, we slowly tried leaving Adam at mum's place for about 2-3 hours and he doesn't really bother. Thank God! That's settled. As for hubby, he finally got the job he wanted so badly...the one in Cyberjaya. But the good part is, he doesn't have to travel back and forth as he is being placed in Bank Negara in KL. Alhamdulillah, seems like Allah has everything nicely planned for us. I'm thankful to Allah and all his Rezeki that He has given to us. As for today, I just got back from grocery shopping and still thinks the day is moving too slow. Can't wait to go to PD this weekend with my family for a short getaway. Adam really loves the beach. Remembering back when we took him to Redang last year when he was 6 months, he didn't really have a problem dipping in the sea with both of us :) He truly is a water baby...hahaha. Well, I am still planning to go to Perhentian anytime this year. Hopefully hubby can take some time out on our anniversary in June to go somewhere :D 4 year anniversary! How cool is that? And I'm still loving my hubby...:)

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